What can you buy for £4? A coffee and a slice of cake in Costa? A
magazine? A three-hour parking ticket at your local shopping centre?
Not much, that's for sure. So how can it be possible to rig out a child in an entire outfit for school
for this very sum?
Every August we start seeing the supermarkets and chain stores wheeling
out their back to school advertising campaigns, and the message is the
same across the board: value. Actually, more than value; price crashing,
cheapness, rock-bottom prices.
Which is fine, until you start really thinking about the numbers: how can they offer complete kits for under a fiver?
A recent advert for supermarket Aldi
promotes its first foray into school uniforms
and it appears to have undercut the competition with its £4 outfit. A
round neck jumper and a pack of two plain white shirts are priced at
just £1.25 each, with trousers at £1.50.
The store says the clothes work out at a cost-per-wear of just two pence
a day. They are reportedly so confident that they are the cheapest
uniform retailer they will apparently drop their prices further if a
cheaper alternative could be found.
Speaking to the Retail Gazette
Tony Baines, managing director of corporate buying at Aldi, said: "We
guarantee to offer the lowest price school uniform set, so there is no
need to go to any other supermarket."Tesco, meanwhile, are offering a skirt in 100 per cent polyester for £1.75, 100 per cent polo shirt
for 75p, and sweatshirt for £2.00 from their 'basic' range, while
Asda are currently stocking schoolwear from £2.
''But should we really be buying into this? How CAN we be saving money
in the long run? Surely the adage 'buy cheap, by twice' cannot be more
apt then when applied to clothes that kids' wear day in, day out?''
Surely we should want to purchase the best quality we can afford to
ensure our kids not only look well turned out (not something that
manages to look limp, shapeless and as though it has been run up out of
cheap curtain fabric on the hanger, let alone on a child) but so that we
are NOT re-purchasing a pair of trousers that the knees have gone
through after a couple of wears?
Or is that the point – the fact they cost less than two pounds means we
don't MIND re-purchasing? Or do we even think 'it's only for school –
I'd rather splash out more money on their party and special occasion
And there's no escaping the worry that somewhere, someone is paying the
price for our 'bargain' – if not exploited workers in some far flung
sweatshop, then us the customer with stealth price increases elsewhere
in store?
My colleague Theresa tells me she is concerned with the quality and the
ethics of cheap uniform, and says that there's 'no way' that when
allowing for materials, transport and overheads in store that 'everyone
involved can have been paid a fair wage'.
"Plus," she says, "these are the clothes that our kids actually wear
most often - we should be prepared to pay a fair price for them."
I agree with her. Admittedly, most of the stores have a statement
about their sourcing, and suggest that all their products are obtained
by fair means. Tesco, a founder member of the Ethical Trading Initiative
(ETI), says that it has a comprehensive approach to its 'Trading
Fairly' policy and extends its support of 'decent labour standards' to
everything it sources for its own-label brands in UK stores.
Aldi has a 'Social Monitoring Programme' which 'focuses on suppliers
in high risk commodity areas', and a spokesperson told me 'all suppliers
of our Back to School range are part of Aldi UK's ethical management
programme' and that they 'require our suppliers to provide third party
audits from all production sites of our own label clothing, shoes, toys
and home textile products', they have, they said, 'received these audits
from all production sites involved in producing the Back to School
Asda meanwhile claim on their website that their policy ensures that when
'customers buy from Asda/Wal-Mart they know they are buying goods
produced without exploitation and in acceptable and sustainable working
Despite these assurance, I still worry about the ethics of buying into
such cheap clothing, and I have to put myself in the wanting to pay a
'fair price' category. My son's school has an official supplier from
whom his blazer, tie, winter coat, jumpers and sports' kit have to be
purchased. I knew this when I elected to send him to that particular
school, I budget for it each year, and do not have an issue with it.
His white shirts, grey trousers and grey socks can be purchased on the
high street. For the past five years, I have bought these items from
Marks and Spencer.
The last time, I paid £8 for each pair, and two pairs lasted him the
entire year. His shirts were £8 for a pack of two, and I bought two
packs, along with five pairs of cotton socks
for £5. So the cost of my high street uniform purchase, for an entire
year, £37. Hardly excessive, when I'd think nothing of paying that for a
top for myself.
But I realise I probably could have bought it all for half the price
if I had chosen to rig him out at the same time as dashing into my local
supermarket for a loaf of bread and a pint of milk. And if the clothing
was not constantly being shoved in my face as the cheapest in town and
was of comparable quality, perhaps I would have done. But as far as I am
concerned, if you pay £1.75 for a shirt, you are going to get, quite
simply, a £1.75 shirt.
Something mum of one Lily also takes issue with: "I wouldn't be averse
to the idea of really cheap uniform if it didn't seem like it'd be made
from uncomfortable rubbish fabrics like horrid polyester," she says,
adding that instead, for those uniform 'extras' or spares she prefers to
accept hand-me-down uniform of decent quality.
In fact, second hand school uniform sales seem to be the preferred choice over supermarket 'bargains' for many parents.
"I am big fan of our school's second hand sales," one mum told me,
"Our school has one of those annoying almost everything from the school
supplier uniforms and the summer dresses
are £30 but I bought second hand - and after two summers' wear they're
still good enough condition to be passed on again." This, to me, a much
preferable option to a nasty, disposable, scratchy nylon item from a
But ultimately, I have to ask myself this: would I go out to work in
an outfit of dubious quality which cost just £4? One which I regarded as
so cheap that it didn't matter what happened to it, I could just
re-purchase it? Or because it wasn't the style of clothes I would chose
to wear outside of work, it wasn't a problem if it was ill fitting,
poorly made and looked like a sack-cloth once on? So no matter how hard
the supermarket try and tempt me with their cut price uniforms, I remain
resolute in my belief of buy cheap, buy twice. And that ultimately, no
matter what they say, stores competing over who can produce the cheapest
is little more than an exercise in unethical retailing for all concerned – workers, customers and the environment.